In addition to his 20 year career as a musician, Little Fyodor is also a radio deejay and has been hosting a show on KGNU, Boulder & Denver called Under The Floorboards since 1982, featuring experimental and idiosyncratic sounds of the underground.
Audio product on the MERCHANDISE page is also available by trade for comparable product suitable for airplay on Under The Floorboards, Fyodor's semi-monthly program on KGNU, community radio from Boulder, Colorado, which can be heard through the internet via Under The Floorboards (aired 2nd & 4th Saturdays at 11 PM Mountain Time) features experimental and/or eccentric personal audio visions by independent, DIY soundmeisters just doin' their own thing...for the INSECTS of Society!!!!!!!!!!!
© Little Fyodor / DISCRIMINATE MEDIA, 2015